Service & Product

Virtual Human /Avatar

CGで作ったフォトリアルな人間である ”Virtual Human” や、リアルタイム性が高く見た目にも魅力的な ”Avatar” の開発/プロデュースを行っています。

Characters have a high potential for development in both the communication and metaverse domains and can be nurtured as unique IP.
Atali develops and produces "Virtual Human", a photorealistic human made of CG, and "Avatar", a real-time and visually appealing CG human.

Virtual Human

Virtual Humanは、実物と見間違うほどのクオリティで制作されたCGキャラクターです。
デジタルツインの文脈において、人間の肖像や肉体をバーチャル上に持ち込むことでコンテンツ/ビジネスの拡張の可能性があり、 また、ヒューマン型インターフェイスという観点においても、今後さらにソリューションとして社会実装が進む領域です。

アタリが取り扱うVirtual Humanのバリエーションとして、以下の4つが挙げられます。

Virtual Humans are CG characters created with a quality that can be easily mistaken as an actual person.
At present, they are mostly used as virtual influencers active on social media. However, in the context of Digital Twins, bringing human portraits and bodies into the virtual world is a possibility for content and business expansion.
Also, from the perspective of human interface, this is an area that will be further implemented in society as a solution.

Atali offers the four following variations of Virtual Human.

タレント型VHTalent type VH


This type of VH has a personality that can be established as an icon, and is tied to a management service which will help the course of its character development.

コーポレート型VHCorporate type VH


This type of VH can be the face of a brand, service, or company, embodying its ideals and principles.

アノニマス型VHAnonymous type VH


This type of VH can be introduced in areas where it has the advantage of being a human-type interface (such as reception and guidance).

アシスタント型VHAssistant Type VH


This type of VH can be combined with a chatbot to provide a simple response. Can be used for customer service.

  • ・オーダーメイド・カスタムメイドを承ります。
  • ・コンセプトメイキング・ストーリーメイキング・アートディレクションを含めワンストップで制作します。
  • ・静止画、動画を制作可能です。
  • -We offer custom-made and made-to-order services.
  • -One-stop production including concept making, story making, and art direction.
  • -We can produce both still and moving images.


Please inquire about production time and cost.





The AVATAR characters Atali produce are well-directed creatively and try to avoid common-looking avatars.

Semi-realistic virtual humans using ATALI's proprietary method allows avatars that can be easily animated even in real time, enabling smooth content operation and monetization for both virtual spaces and on online platforms.

We have a number of experience in terms of character development, both as CG models for self alter egos in the metaverse and in terms of developing characters that are intended to be made into IP.

  • ・オーダーメイド・カスタムメイドを承ります。
  • ・コンセプトメイキング・ストーリーメイキング・アートディレクションを含めワンストップで制作します。
  • ・静止画、動画を制作可能です。
  • -We offer custom-made and made-to-order services.
  • -One-stop production including concept making, story making, and art direction.
  • -We can produce both still and moving images.


Please inquire about production time and cost.

デジタル領域でのキャラクタープロデュースやマネージメントを担うプロジェクト「NEO AVATAR GOVERNANCE」

アタリ社が保有する実在する人間をデジタルキャラクター化するVirtual Geminiの技術とクリエイティブの活用をベースに、ツインプラネット社のIPプロデュース、マネージメント及びエンターテイメント領域への知見を活かして、プロデュース、ディレクション、制作、運用、マネージメント等をワンストップで提供していくことを可能にしています。

NEO AVATAR GOVERNANCE, a project aimed at producing and managing characters in the digital domain.

The project is based on the use of Atali's Virtual Gemini technology and creativity to create digital characters from real people.

By utilizing TwinPlanet's expertise in IP production, management, and entertainment, we are able to provide a one-stop production process that includes production, direction, creation, operation, and management.